옛날에는 정말 친구들끼리 모이면 포토 부스를 많이 갔던 거 같은데 요즘에는 그게 잊어진 것 같아서 아쉽다..

있어봤자 요즘에는 오락실에 있던가 아니면 영화 cgv에 그런 것들이 많이 있는 것을 보았다. 

요즘에는 다양한 종류의 포토부스가 있던데, 내가 최근에 이용했을때는 일본사람처럼 보이게 하는 포토부스였다..ㅋㅋㅋ

눈이 평소 눈보다 훨씬 크게 나오고 피부도 엄청 좋아지고... 현실감은 제로지만 확실히 잘 나오긴 한다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

가끔씩 친구들이랑 추억사진을 남기기엔 역시 포토부스에 가서 스티커사진을 찍는것 만큼은 없는것 같다 ㅋㅋ 

다음주에 친구랑 가서 추억한장 더 남겨야 겠다는 생각이 든다!

We have been offering a Photo Booth type service for over 12 years. First it was a camera tethered to a printer & now we have a new L.A. Party Photo Booth that does everything but cook!

Taking a photo & printing it out in multiple choice formats is the norm. Having the capability to shoot “green screen”, SloMo video, Gif creations, Light Paint, Morphing, etc is the new techniques that add so much more to your offerings to potential clients.photo booth

The secret seems to be to sell each option separate. Too many choices overwhelms not only the client on a proposal but guests during an event. Each function of the photo booth has it’s own nuances & limitations. For instance, any video based function (SloMo, Morph, etc) the final output is a video. So no printing! How are you going to send that to the guests? Via email, texting, social media;  all have specific set up needs & internet requirements.

So as the technology of the photo booth evolves the tech requirements & knowledge of such expands. Let’s see if we can get proficient with these new toys before the “Virtual Reality” function is added!

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